Trip Planning, Fraud, Snow and New Classes!

So many exciting things have happened recently I don’t even know where to begin! 

FIRST OFF IT SNOWED TODAY IN SPAIN. I thought I left that stuff in Minnesota L 

Yes. Snow next to the oranges.

SECOND, Taylor and I have finally booked all of our flights/trains for our 10 day Semana Santa trip which is just a month and a half away! We will be traveling, adventuring, and living off of PB&J all through the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany. Buying the tickets was incredibly stressful because, due to fraudulent activity, my entire bank account was emptied. Its difficult enough when something like this occurs while I’m 10 minutes away from my bank in the states, being across the ocean and in different time zones made it difficult to deal with. I am so thankful for my family for figuring everything out that they could for me! Honestly, even with 20 euro to my name (for the time being) I’m not going to let anything take away this incredible experience I’m having abroad.

Also I ended up getting a “B” in my intensive class, I’m pretty happy about this based on how terribly I thought the test went. I have officially started my new round of classes. I'm glad to have that behind me, here is my current schedule:

Gramatica: This class is going to be painful, literally. My professor’s last name is “Dolores” which translates to “pain” in English. That’s all I have to say. Pray for me.

Civilizacion y Cultura: I’m pumped for this!! Learning about fiestas, cultures, and Spain history was my favorite part of the intensive month. I have any easy time understanding the teacher and the class goes by quickly.

Programa de Practicas en Centros Educativos: This class is an internship! Last minute I decided I wanted to try something new and signed up for an internship in the school systems. I’m excited to say that they’ve given me special placement assisting in the Universities of Granada’s school of music. I will be assisting students my age with pronunciation of English words/English in general for their compositions etc. I'm working in the schools tutoring the students for 6 hours a week, I don't have to much information so stay tuned (haha….).

Literatura Espanola: This class goes by terribly, terribly, terribly slowly, but the teacher is incredibly kind so at least we have that going for us.

Conversación: My professor is a laid back, mountain climbing, gardening-loving individual with a passion for cinema. There will be lots of fun discussion topics, I’m sure!

For those of you who were confused, all of my classes are completely taught in Spanish because I am in a high enough level (a true miracle). All and all this is really exciting for me and incredibly helpful as I get further and further immersed into the language and culture.

Also my trip to Morocco is now only 9 days away! J Hello Afriiicaaa

I miss you all a lot a lot a lot, but I'm actually getting scared of how fast the time has being flying by.  See you soon enough!


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