First Day

The first day of my junior year started off a little rough, without realizing it I managed to turn off 3 of the alarms on my phone while I was sleeping, thank God for my 4th alarm which was all the way across the room and set on a loud obnoxious beeping mode. Besides that I'm really excited about my classes and professors. This semester will be difficult but I'm incredibly motivated to do well because every single class I'm in is directly related to my major. Other years I'd be stuck in ridiculous generals that were way out of my interest level. I'm especially stoked of my Spanish Conversation and Composition, the professor seems like a great guy and I can already tell I'm going to understand the way he teaches and explains. I'm looking forward to improving on my reading, writing, speaking and listening in Spanish.

Send luck!

They also gave out first day of school "Free Hugs" I happily took the students up on that! :)


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