And I Could See For Miles (Explained)

The title of my blog “and I could see for miles” comes from Bon Iver's self titled record, which they released back in 2011. It’s an amazing track and one of my favorites on that album. This is the excerpt from my favorite portion of the song:

 “And at once I knew I was not magnificent

Strayed above the highway aisle

(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)

And I could see for miles, miles, miles”

Holocene album cover
Justin Vernon

 In that lyric set I imagine Justin Vernon (member of Bon Iver) standing on top of a mountain or bluff over looking the highway far below. Its in the moments when you’re in nature and away from the lights that you realize just how trivial and insignificant you really are. I have this feeling every time I’m hiking and exploring, and incredibly frequently while traveling. 

The most intense I have ever had it was while I was in Italy at my cousins house, drinking white wine, and standing alone on their deck overlooking a beautiful landscape full of apple orchards complete with mist descending from the mountains. I've never felt so small. 

 My biggest regret was having my camera die during this section of the trip, but in the same way I am so thankful for it. I know that my mind captures the essence of the moment better than a screen ever could. In reading about more descriptions behind what meaning others found in the song I found a response that really spoke to me, it met my feelings and expanded upon them: 

You're concentrating on making it it to the top and everything, but then you stop and look behind you and see the most beautiful natural landscape. It makes you feel small. You see how magnificent the world is and then see how not magnificent you are compared to it. I can see Justin having an experience like that. Off of the highway in the snow and ice, alone, or with his brother. "I can see for miles, miles, miles." In times like those you can see for miles, literally, and figuratively, miles within yourself and within your mind.”

 These instants are rejuvenating and invigorating. I left that moment feeling like I could conquer anything those misty mountains released into my path. It’s rare and difficult in life to fully be present in a single moment, but in the times when such intense beauty is presented its impossible to think about anything else even if you tried. I felt nothing but my surroundings absorbing me as I tried to grasp how fortunate I was to live in a world where a vision like this was something my cousins could wake up to every morning.  

I hope I never lose this sense of wonder.


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