It is important to know if you’re
making a decision to benefit yourself in the eyes of others or to benefit yourself
for you and your needs.
These words spun themselves around
my head casting webs over my thoughts for days and weeks as I tried to decide
whether or not to drop my Anatomical Kinesiology class. As with all webs that
are left undisturbed they grow bigger and wider and consume more space. I knew
I needed to drop the class because I wasn’t able to give it the attention it
needed and I was not able to benefit from the knowledge being given to me. The
only reason I was doubling this difficult class up with other challenging
courses was in an attempt to stay ahead before I left to study abroad. I tried
tutoring, office hours, extra work nothing could catch me up. I knew I was
tangling myself further in. Unfortunately, as I continued to considered
whether or not I should drop I thought of other people instead of myself. I
wondered if my mom would be disappointed, I wondered if my friends would think
less of me, I wondered what my professors would say, and then I wondered why I
cared. I know what’s best for me and that is always always what I need to do.
I have ceaselessly realized i have an
internal locus of control and consequently credit myself with my success, but
also beat myself up over my failures. I was so deeply concentrated on wondering what
other people would think of me if I axed this class that I didn’t even
bother thinking the long term effects staying in it would have.
After talking to my professor, my advisor, and thinking
solely of myself I decided to drop. The relief washed over me and the
webs disintegrated. Its crazy to say, but I didn’t realize how much this
decision was corrupting my mood. Being conscious of thoughts is essential. This small problem left untaken care of began to intertwine with other parts of my life in negative way, and so I leave you with this:
It is important to know if you’re making a decision to benefit yourself in the eyes of others or to benefit yourself for you and your needs.
It is important to know if you’re making a decision to benefit yourself in the eyes of others or to benefit yourself for you and your needs.
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