The Week in Review
I’ll be honest-I’m writing this blog to further put off the
hour of homework I have ahead of me.
That being said tomorrow is FINALLY FRIDAY and this week has
been an interesting one. On Monday a few friends and myself went to Hannigans
Pub to drink Guinness (fine. I had Hard Cider) and play some trivia. In typical
American style, everyone seems to flock to where they are most comfortable,
which is any Irish pub where everyone speaks English! I have to admit it feels
wonderful and refreshing to be in a restaurant in Spain where I can understand
the language of the bartenders and people around me. Our team “Howdy Howdy,
lets get Rowdy” (thanks Texas girls!) ended up getting 9th place out
of 14. Next week we plan on being less enamored and possibly slightly less
obsessed (I’M LOOKING AT YOU KATHERINE) by the Irish men and their accents and
more into bringing our A game so we can win the prizes! Trivia night was a
blast and the majority of people were from America, Australia, and Ireland. It
was a great way to end a stressful Monday at school.
On Tuesday I went out for tapas with Greta and Taylor to a
popular local bar. Unfortunately for us it had more of the little baby fish
with their heads and tales still attached, I had just had them for lunch a few
days ago and was hoping for something slightly more interesting, but the sangria,
in addition to removing the spines from the fish kept the conversation easily
Wednesday my group went out for tapas at a small bar close
to Hannigans. I’m terrible at directions and am always exhilarated when I
realize I know where I am. I did struggle to find the bathroom in this
establishment and eventually the waiter literally grabbed my arm to lead me to
it, I was slightly embarrassed because as soon as he set me free I still
grabbed the wrong handle to the men’s room and he once again grabbed my arm
while grinning like crazy and pointing me in the correct direction. Red faced
and attempting to keep my cool I imagined this situation from his perspective
and realized he kept his composure way better than I ever would have. Cheers to
you sketchy bartender!
Today (Thursday) was an exciting day! Taylor and I began to
plan our trip for the week and a half off we have for Semana Santa, otherwise
known as Spain’s holy week before Easter! We discussed plans over 4 kettles of
Arabic tea along with some questionable falafel. We’ve come up with the loose
plan of hitting Austria (not sure exactly where yet), Prague, and Amsterdam,
finishing up the trip with a day in Madrid before we head back to Granada to
relax, recuperate, and enjoy the last 2 days of festivities for the holy week
before diving back into classes for another month and a half.
IM SO EXCITED! Planning trips into April already make me
feel like my time here really will go by faster than I ever think it does, I’ve
already lived in Granada for 3 weeks and everyday I see the city and feel as
though I got here yesterday. Here’s to another fantastic 4 months, may they go
by just as quickly and enjoyably as the first one!
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